First there was Perez Hilton....

Then there was Necole Bitchie.......


Friday, June 25, 2010

Reformed bachelor and author advises: “Break up, Don’t Break Down”

All hope is NOT gone when it comes to a ladies man reverting into a monogamous one. But it has to happen on his time. Just ask D. Ivan Young, author of the latest self-help book entitled “Break up, don’t break down.” Young, now a recognized life coach and relationship expert, openly admits to living the wild life of a bachelor in his twenties and early thirties, but it took a rebuilding of his spirituality for him to realize it was time to grow up. “First I got God in my life,” Young shared. “Second, the woman that I was dating had good sense to say ’I am not gonna be one of two or three women you go out with. I will wait until you get your stuff together and decide you really want to settle down.’ By the time I made that decision, she was gone like a woman with good sense should do.”

So, you may ask, what makes this former ladies’ man a relationship expert? Because of his tumultuous experiences and mistakes in his past relationships coupled with his education, Young can speak to his readers first hand, in a clear language that cuts right to the chase. In his latest book, “Break up, Don’t break down,” he addresses the cause and effects of many breakups and divorces in America and prevention methods towards making a relationship work. He also talks about the importance of moving on after a break-up and how to deal with the separation. “So many people don’t want to get into a relationship now because of what happened last time,” said Young. “People don’t realize that when you meet somebody else, they’ve already been through their fair share of hell too. Women are saying, well ‘men don’t understand us,’ and men are saying ‘women aren’t feelin’ us’. It doesn’t matter what your gender is. Hurt is hurt, baggage is baggage. And until we look at why we‘re hurting and what kind of baggage we got, how can you move forward if you haven‘t let go of what‘s been holding you hostage from the past?”

Young explains in the introduction of the book that it will serve as a
“supportive, non-judgmental companion” as opposed to advice from friends and confidants we often talk to during breakups who will often have a biased opinion. “What (the book) is gonna do is help change your life and get (away) from what you‘ve given yourself to settle for and put you in a position to receive what God is trying to give you,“ Young expressed.

To order “Break Up, Don’t Break down” go to

'The Game' Star Excited About Show's Return

'The Game' Star Excited About Show's Return

Relationships: Don’t Hate the Player or the Game, Know the Rules to Play By 

Relationships: Don’t Hate the Player or the Game, Know the Rules to Play By

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just Brittany: Dancing her way to the top of the music charts

If Beyonce was right when she said “a diva is the female version of a hustla,“ then R&B songstress, Just Brittany is definitely just that-A Diva.
The 20 year old, beauty was prompt for her Indy Magazine interview at 10:30 a.m. after getting off from her main job as a dancer at High Rollers Gentlemen’s Club at 5 a.m in the morning.

It’s no secret what Brittany does for a living and she is not ashamed to admit what she does. “I dance at night, in the studio during the day, doing what I got to do to get up out the game cause I’ve been dancing for over a year now,” Brittany shared about her current profession. Being an independent artist pushing your music isn’t easy, nor cheap, which is why Brittany remains in the industry she is in to pay for her dream “I really want to do music and so I’m dancing because I’m trying to raise the money to pay for what I have to pay for to get out of it…until then I will just continue dancing.”

A little over a year ago, Brittany says that she’d never stepped foot into a strip club until after a bad breakup with an ex. She says before then, the idea of dancing never crossed her mind. “I just walked in the club and I was just out of my mind and stressed over a past relationship so I (went) home and got some clothes, came back and just danced.”

Nevertheless, it’s always been a dream of Brittany’s to get into the music industry. It wasn’t until a year ago that she started taking her dream more seriously.

Shortly after she began dancing, she ran into promoter and artist C-Moe at a local beauty supply store selling his Cds. She admits that she has never been interested in buying cds off of the street, but after some influence from C-Moe, she gave in and purchased it. She was very impressed by what she heard. “His voice is amazing. I’ve never heard a man that can sing that good.” After a week of trying to contact C-Moe by calling the number listed on the cd she purchased, he finally gave her a call back. “He told me that he writes music and I told him I wanted to get with him and work with him and we’ve been together ever since then.”

Her first single, “Call me for that Good,“ written by The Narrators, has the potential to be a certified hit and top ring tone seller. The video, which can be found on YOUTUBE, is even hotter. The GO Djs, 90.3 Radio Hit List, and her manager, C-Moe have been pushing her single on a regular basis. At the time of my interview with her, her primary goal was to make it to Houston’s big hip-hop station, 97.9 The Box. “97.9 is so political, it’s more that what people think it is,” She explained about getting her song on the radio. “A lot of people have been asking why my song isn’t on the radio yet but everybody just thinks you make a song and it gets on the radio, it’s not like that. It’s very political.”

Well the votes are in and politics definitely worked in her favor. The station’s radio personalities expressed their interest in the song a few month's ago. Now, Brittany's song has peaked at #2 on 97.9's countdown. Her next single will be a cover of the 80’s hit “Mercedes Boy” originally performed by Pebbles. “If you were to hear my music you wouldn’t know it was me. It’s pop, rock, R&B, hip-hop and rap. It’s just everything mixed together in one. I’m just so excited to let the world hear what I have to offer and I know I’ll be taking over all the radio stations.”

Follow Just Brittany on Twitter at
For booking info and more information please contact her manager C-Moe at 281-802-8222

Friday, January 15, 2010

Journalist turned video vixen: An Undercover Project

A look inside at the day in the life of video vixen hopefuls.

Buffie the Body, Melyssa Ford, Karrine “Supahead” Steffans. What comes to mind when you think of those names? Of course! All of these ladies made a career of being video vixens and made/make a pretty decent living from it. It’s the mentality of “Using what you got to get what you want.” Many young women believe that in order to be successful, they can just be sexy, shake their butt in a video and boom- Success.

Maybe that’s why at the CandiRedd video shoot Wednesday, January 13, many girls were a little overly anxious to get their face in at least one of the shots. CandiRedd, who is known for her hit “Independent B*****s” recorded her first video in the lavish Arena Towers Penthouse and was directed by Mr. Boomtown. Atlanta natives Kandi Burruss (Real Housewives of Atlanta, Xcape) and rapper Rasheeda, who are featured on the remix, were also in attendance to record their parts for the video.

Ladies who showed up for the shoot were able to get their nails done by Minx Houston, makeup done by a professional makeup artist and hair touched up by stylist Divo J. Sure the pampering was nice, I even enjoyed that part, but the glitz and glam definitely stopped there.

This video shoot was a looooong, all day event in which all of the ladies practically competed to get in shots of the video. The decision is ultimately up to the director to choose which girls he wanted in the shot or not. The girls who weren’t chosen just sit around for hours waiting to do the next take and only hoping to make the next cut. For an unpaid gig such as this one as far the “models” are concerned, my guess is that they felt that this video may be their ticket to stardom. That one half second shot may get them noticed and they could become the next Melyssa Ford (chuckling as I type).

One young lady I spoke with drove all the way from Dallas to be apart of the shoot. She was turned down for one of the shots in which the “models” were required to wear bikinis. She was told that her body didn’t fit the requirements. I watched this young lady change at least 4 times throughout the day and was barely chosen to be in one of the crowd scenes.

Let me stop right there at the crowd scene….

Seeing as though myself and my friend Ashley Wyatt, a publicist, were doing this gig undercover, we had to partake in one of the shots. This is when it got funny. Prior to the shoot, I mentioned to Ashley that perhaps during the editing they wouldn’t use our take. The look on one of the “models” face was priceless. She looked at me as if I had just said the building was on fire. “They bet not” she said. As much as I wanted to stay in the back, Boomtown kept moving me closer and closer to the front of the shot. One young lady even hackled him about moving her out of the shot completely. He had to calm her down by telling her that he would use her in another shot so on and so forth. After calming her down, the filming began….As Ashley stood there during the shot just smiling, texting and twittering (hilarious) the girls behind her told her “Girl you betta get your shine.” Ashley told the girls to get in front of her and allowed the girls to “shine.” Hey, if their definition of shine is perhaps getting a second of camera time, get your shine on!!!

And lets not even mention when the food came! The people on set devoured that food like they had been living in third world countries. Later that evening, I caught a glimpse of CandiRedd (the star of the video) complaining that she and her crew had not yet eaten and didn’t even know the food had come earlier. “I didn’t know anything about no food,” she said sounding irritated (which she should’ve been). “The people that’s doing the real work haven’t even eaten.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of that. The girls who were just standing around waiting to get in a shot had eaten up all the food before the crew and the star of the video had.

Basically that’s it in a nutshell of my first “video vixen” experience. Beautiful and not so beautiful “models” waiting around for hours and hours hoping that their shot doesn’t make the cutting room floor. I’m sure the final product will look amazing and I’m extremely happy for CandiRedd. Instead of MTVs Making the Video, this is A.D.s Making the Video. Much love and success to CandiRedd. Can’t wait too see the final product.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Robin Thicke goes Hip-Hop? New album to feature Nicki Minaj, Jay-Z and more!

So I caught up with Robin Thicke at a private listening party to discuss his new album, his hip-hop blood, and why he loves Houston.
Check it out!

A.D. How do you like Houston?

R.T. I love Houston! It’s filled with beautiful women, its warm. What could be better than that?

A.D. So tell us a little bit about your album. That’s what we’re here for. You’ve got Nicki Minaj….

R.T. I got Nicki Minaj! It was Jay-Z’s idea. I played the album for Jay-Z and he hopped on the record and he told me ‘you should put Nicki Minaj on the Shakin’ it for Daddy record.” And she just murdered it….knocked it out the park and I’m very, very excited about it.

A.D. Who else you got (on the record)?

R.T. I got Jay-Z, I got The Game on the record. I got Kid Kudi, I got Snoop Dogg, I got Estelle….and Jasmine Sullivan.

A.D. You’re going straight hip-hop on this one!

R.T. I felt like people didn’t understand how much of a hip-hop head I am and I grew up listening to Curtis Blow, Public Enemy, and N.W.A. and everything. So this time I really wanted to rep my hip-hop blood.

A.D. Do you have any favorite tracks?

R.T. Right now the Nicki Minaj is nuts cause it’s the newest one. The last two records that I finished with it were the Nicki Minaj and the Jay-Z (tracks). But I think my favorite song is this song called “Two Love Birds.” It’s about me and my lady.

A.D. Awww. What is gonna be your first single?

R.T. It’s called “Sex Therapy.”And the name of the album is called “Sex Therapy.” It just came out this week. Which is why I’m here and the album comes out December 15th.

A.D. When can we be looking for a video?

R.T. I just finished the editing so it’ll be out next week.

(also published in

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fiddy and Vivica....back together?

In an interview this morning on 97.9 The Box, Rapper 50 Cent revealed to the Mad Hatta Morning Show that he may have ignited an old flame.

He admitted that his next video will feature actress Vivica Foxx. For those that know the two had a very nasty breakup that apparently ended with a restraining order against Vivica. Fifty admits now that he and Vivica have mended fences and are now friends.

When co-host Natae asked if he and Vivica were sexually involved, he vaguely answered by saying that they were not sexually involved….”on the set (of the video).” Well, I guess we know what THAT means.

Guess Fiddy had to go back to Vivica’s “Candy Shop” cause she couldn’t get enough of his “Magic Stick.” (Pun intended)

(By: Adrienne Donnell of

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